台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
201802 (38:1期)期所有篇 |
- 從永續發展目標看藥物濫用防治:善用全國性流行病學調查的發現 The prevention and treatment of drug abuse in sustainable development goals: making good use of the findings of national surveys
- 尊嚴善終:我國病人自主權利法施行之整備 End of life in dignified way: preparedness for implementation of Patient Autonomy Right Act
- 台灣青少年選手專項化問題與肌力訓練之角色 Specialization problems of youth athletes in Taiwan and the role of strength training
- 雲嘉南地區大氣細懸浮微粒濃度與交通污染源相關性分析 Correlation of atmospheric fine particulate matter with traffic sources in Yun-Chia-Nan area in Taiwan
- 經濟景氣與生命末期照護相關字詞搜尋之關係探討──以Google趨勢分析 Macroeconomic conditions and Internet search for end-of-life care: an analysis using Google Trends
- 護理人員留任意願之相關因素探討:護理工作環境與性格特質的交互作用 Factors related to nurses ' intentions to stay: the interaction between nurses' work environment and personality traits
- 居家醫療資訊科技服務平台之需求探討 Exploring the requirements of home medical carers and carees for a technological information platform
- 評論:居家醫療資訊科技服務平台之需求探討 Commentary: exploring the requirements of home medical carers and carees for a technological information platform
- 老人定點用餐服務現況及參與用餐者之自評效益—─以台北市為例 Current status of congregate meal services for elderly people and self-perceived benefits of the participants by using Taipei City as an example
- 台灣偏頭痛病患發生睡眠障礙之風險:一項全國性之世代研究 The risk of incident sleep disorder in migraine patients in Taiwan: a nationwide cohort study
- 微生物螢光檢測儀於醫院公共空間空氣細菌篩檢與定量分析 Preliminary study on monitoring airborne bacteria in hospital environments using a microbe fluorescence sensor
- 森林圖繪製的探討應用:以MS-Excel繪製為例 Feasibility of using Microsoft Excel to draw forest plots