華語話題句的習得研究:對比英、日語為母語的學習者 Chinese Topic Sentences: A Comparison between English-speaking and Japanese-speaking Second Language Learners
華語旅遊團與正規班課程滿意度比較之啟示 The Effects of Design and Implementation of a Short-term Chinese Study Tour
Podcast(播客)行動影音學習平臺四大模組在華語教學上之創新應用與探討 Innovative Applications and Exploration of the Four Major Modules on the Podcast Mobile Audio-visual Learning Platform for Chinese Language Instruction
臺灣與美國小學教學現況比較:曾任兩地導師的現場觀察 The Comparisons of Teaching Practice in Taiwan and United States: The First-hand Observations from a Homeroom Teacher Taught in the Two Places
大師專訪:鄭錦全院士 Interview with Academician Chin-Chuan Cheng