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The Effects of Design and Implementation of a Short-term Chinese Study Tour
作者 張箴陳淑玲
Learning Chinese is extremely popular in the whole world presently. Therefore Chinese language study tours need to combine language study, cultural experiences and travel in order to fulfil the needs of learners in this new era. This study used the participants of the Canberra University's study tour as research subjects, using a case study methodology, to explore the problems facing the design of curricula of study tours and that of the normal Chinese classes. Using data collected from surveys, we analyse the responses of the two different classes using Chi Square analysis. From the analysis of the survey, we found that motivation for students participating in the study tours are interests, curiosity and fulfilling requirements of their own university curriculum. Data also proves that study tours can improve opportunities for applying the language they learned; improve students' understanding, knowledge of local customs and culture; and improve their interests in the target culture. After comparing the data of the study tours and normal classes, the researchers believe that data on the study tours not only can raise students' satisfaction level; they can also be used to investigate the merit and deficiencies of the two classes. Such investigation not only can help study tours to improve, it can so gain insights on foreign students' perceptions on where their needs are not met in the curricula. Such information can provide direction for future development of the teaching institution. It can also improve an institution's image, reputation and recruiting power. Study tour is a curriculum model that is worthy of promotion in teaching Chinese as a second language.
起訖頁 29-43
關鍵詞 遊學團課程設計課程成效Study tourcurriculum design and curriculum efficiency
刊名 華語學刊  
期數 201312 (15期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 華語話題句的習得研究:對比英、日語為母語的學習者
該期刊-下一篇 Podcast(播客)行動影音學習平臺四大模組在華語教學上之創新應用與探討




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