荒謬法院或失靈政府?從日月光後勁溪污染二審判決談起 Court’s Failure or Government Failure? Note on the Judgment of the ASE Houji River Pollution Case
淺析舉證責任倒置制度於RCA判決中之適用 A Brief Analysis of the Application of Reverse Burden of Proof in RCA Case
RCA判決與環境責任法制之關聯性 RCA Judgement and Its Relation to the Environmental Liability Legal System
食品攙偽假冒與標示不實之入罪化 The Criminalization of Adulterated and Counterfeited Food and Mislabeling
比較法之功能及其與行政法之關係 Function of the Comparative Law and Its relationship with the Administrative Law
試論羈押審查程序合憲閱卷權之建構──美國法借鏡 The Constitutional Access to the Investigation File by the Defendant’s Lawyer in the Detention Hearing —The Lessons of the US Law
論不動產利用權與抵押權之關係 A Legal Study of Relationship between Superficies and Mortgage Created on the Same Real Property in Taiwan Law
論「清算不免責」的再突破──兼論「奢侈行為」在我國消費者債務清理條例清算程序的應有地位 On the Breakthrough of the Nondischarge of Liquidation —A Discussion about the Role of Extravagance in the Consumer Debts Clearance Statute in Taiwan
專利權排除侵害之相對性與衡平法理──以智慧財產法院一○○年度民專上字第五七號判決為例 Relative Prevention of Patent Infringement and Equitable Jurisprudence- In terms of Zhi Hui Cai Chan Fa Yuan 100 Nian Du Min Zhuan Shang Zi Di 57 Hao Pan Jue
由歐洲人權法院裁判再探代孕之禁制與開放──論子女最佳利益之優位原則 Revisiting the Restrictions and Legalization of Surrogacy from Judgments of European Court of Human Rights: a Discussion about the Prioritization of Children’s Best Interests