台大日本語文研究 NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature
201806 (35期)期所有篇
小說創作題材的來源與異國旅行實踐的關連──以井上靖、松本清張和司馬遼太郎三者間的比較 Relationship between the Source of Novel Theme and Overseas Travel Experiences - A Comparison of Inoue Yasushi, Matsumoto Seicho and Shiba Ryoutaro-
關於造語成分的縮略形日語外來語詞素──以生產性較低的詞素為主 About the Word Formative Element of the Japanese Loanword Morpheme Abbreviations- Mainly Focus on Morpheme with Low Productivity
作為「身學」的日本儒學──以山崎闇齋的「敬」說與太宰春臺的「禮」說為考察中心 Japanese Confucianism as a Science of the Body: From the Perspective of Yamazaki Ansai's Jing and Dazai Syundai's Li
近代彥部家的家史編纂事業 The Hikobe family's works of compilation about their family history in modern period