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Relationship between the Source of Novel Theme and Overseas Travel Experiences - A Comparison of Inoue Yasushi, Matsumoto Seicho and Shiba Ryoutaro-
作者 蔡宜靜 (Yi-Ching Tsai)
In the Showa period, three representative authors, Inoue Yasushi, Matsumoto Seicho and Shiba Ryotaro, are good at covering Japanese history topics in their novels. What is most interesting for me is that they all have the unexpected intersection and similar consequences in their works as the premise themes from their overseas viewpoints during foreign travelling or war experiences. Another noteworthy thing is that they all had their first overseas trip around ages 50s. Their motivation of going abroad continued to their last life years, and they left many essays about travel. In this paper, I focus on their overseas experiences to compare their creative works of the early and late years related to their foreign travel experiences to clarify how different their ideas dealing with novels subjects are. In a conclusion, their travel experiences provide the premise of verification about foreign elements in their works to indicate the suggestion for deciphering the change in the most recent works, and to provide a reference when verifying the mutual agreement between the observations of their foreign histories and the adjustment of the viewpoints on Japanese history.
起訖頁 1-31
關鍵詞 創作上の題材異国体験井上靖松本清張司馬遼太郎戦争体験創作上的題材異國體驗井上靖松本清張司馬遼太郎戰爭體驗Creative ThemeOverseas Travel ExperiencesInoue YasushiMatsumoto SeichoShiba RyotaroWar Experience
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201806 (35期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-下一篇 真杉靜枝〈理歐哈庸的溪谷〉〈囑咐〉論──以小說中白百合為切入點




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