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About the Word Formative Element of the Japanese Loanword Morpheme Abbreviations- Mainly Focus on Morpheme with Low Productivity
作者 林慧君
The analysis subjects in this thesis are the Japanese loanword morpheme abbreviations with incomplete meaning and form, which also cannot be used separately, such as “BINI” from the word “BINAGASA” and “KOSU” and “PA” from the word “KOSUPA”, in order to conduct the word formation study First we focus on the Japanese loanword morpheme abbreviation itself to analyze from word formation aspect, such as the relation, form, and the combined words between the original word and its abbreviation Then we found out that there are more than half the Japanese loanword morpheme abbreviations are “sole morphemes” with low productivity as a whole. Second, we clarify the reason why the Japanese loanword morpheme abbreviations become Japanese morpheme. In addition, by analyzing and comparing with loanword abbreviated base morpheme such as “ROKE” and “REJI”, and the special bound abbreviated base such as “-KON”, we can understand that the Japanese loanword morpheme abbreviations' form and meaning are different from loanword abbreviated base, but similar to “-KON”. So, we locate the Japanese loanword morpheme abbreviations as a bound abbreviated base which rely on the original base And last, we elaborate the similarity in Japanese word formation character between the compound abbreviations connected by two Japanese loanword morpheme abbreviations and the English hybrid word(blend).
起訖頁 113-139
關鍵詞 外来語形態素複合略語省略形生產性「唯一形態素」外來語詞素複合縮略詞縮略形生產性「唯一詞素」loanword morphemecompound abbteviationabbreviation productivity"sole morpheme"
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201806 (35期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 關於第二人稱與第三人稱之間的視點序列──以「てやる/てくれる」句型為例
該期刊-下一篇 作為「身學」的日本儒學──以山崎闇齋的「敬」說與太宰春臺的「禮」說為考察中心




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