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Japanese Confucianism as a Science of the Body: From the Perspective of Yamazaki Ansai's Jing and Dazai Syundai's Li
作者 藤井倫明
Yamazaki Ansai 山崎闇斎 (1618-1682) is a representative scholar of Syushigaku (Neo-Confucianism of Zhu Xi 朱熹 [1130-1200]) during the early modern Japanese Tokugawa period and the founder of the Kimon school 崎門派 of Syushigaku in Japan. Ansai and the Kimon school take Zhu's thought as absolute truth and seek to completely understand its deep meaning. Ansai believes jing敬 (respect, reverence) to be the core concept of Syushigaku and emphasizes the practice of jujing居敬 ("abiding in reverence"). In contrast, Dazai Syundai 太宰春台 (1680-1747), a representative scholar of the Kogaku school 古学派 in early modern Japan, and his teacher Ogyu Sorai 荻生徂徠 (1666-1728), founder of the Kobunji school 古文辞学派, completely reject the cosmology and epistemology of Syushigaku, including its theory of the mind and of the practice. To Syundai, the external, materialized li 禮 (rite, propriety) is the absolute standard and should be emphasized as a form of practice. Despite their epistemological and ideological differences, both Ansai and Syundai show concern for the issue of the body. It has been generally assumed that Kimon Syushigaku and Kogaku share nothing in common and are totally incompatible. However, Ansai, for his jing, and Syundai, for his Ii, both endeavor to develop a theory of self-cultivation based on the body while reconstructing Confucianism as a science of the body. I identify here the influence of Japanese cosmology and ideology and believe that the force that drives these two concepts, both originating from Chinese Confucianism, towards the direction of the science of the body is what Maruyama Masao terms the prototype or basso ostinato of Japanese culture.
起訖頁 141-169
關鍵詞 山崎闇齋太宰春臺身體Yamazaki AnsaiDazai Syundaibodymindjingli
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201806 (35期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 關於造語成分的縮略形日語外來語詞素──以生產性較低的詞素為主
該期刊-下一篇 近代彥部家的家史編纂事業




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