台大日本語文研究 NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature |
201712 (34期)期所有篇 |
- 日本平安朝物語文學中服裝的作用──關於其視、聽、嗅覺性的審美觀 The Role of Clothing In the Monogatori of Early and Middle Heian Period: Visual, Audial and Olfactory Aesthetics
- 「性人類」的敘事欲望──以桐野夏生《殘虐記》《異常》為例 The Narrative Desire of 'Sexual Human' in Kirino Natsuo's Memoirs of Cruelty and Grotesque
- 川端文學與繪畫的交響──以〈白馬〉為例 Symphony between Kawabata's Literature and Art - A Study on “Hakuba"
- 金子光晴的南洋放浪體驗──以《馬來蘭印紀行》為探討中心 Mitsuharu Kaneko's Experience of Wandering the South Seas-Take The Trip in Malaysia and Dutch East Indies as the Core of Exploration-
- 從出場人物探索日本昔話詞彙特徵──以《赤鳥》雜誌童話為討論材料 Approaching the vocabulary characterizations in Japanese folktales by studying the figures in the stories -Using magazine “Akai Tori" as studying material
- 在台灣以日語為傳承語言教育團體的現況與課題 Current situation and problem of teaching Japanese as a Heritage Language in Taiwan
- 原敬的內地延長主義及其實踐──臺灣與樺太的殖民地統治機構的建構 Hara Takashi's Extensionism of Japanese Proper and Its Realization The Colonial Administrations of Taiwan and Karahuto
- 日治初期在臺日人的社會秩序的形成──以地域自治組織的組成為中心 Formation of social order of Japanese in Taiwan during the early stage of the colonial rule: focusing on the formation of the local Japanese organizations