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The Narrative Desire of 'Sexual Human' in Kirino Natsuo's Memoirs of Cruelty and Grotesque
作者 陳美瑤
桐野夏生擅於以想像力為武器,在其虛構性強烈的超現實小說世界中所創造出的角色們,往往掙扎於比現實更寫實的關係性與階級性網絡中,藉由逼近現實、映照出現實而獲得凌駕現實的力量,讓讀者為之傾倒。運用了多線敘事法、讓擁有多重面向的角色們相互產生糾結關係的《殘虐記》與《異常》,皆為令人難以捉摸故事真相的複雜作品,同時也是不提供讀者權威性真相的開放性文本。本論文沿用拉岡的精神分析觀點,分析此二作品中以他人欲望為欲望的「性人類」(sexual human)之多元樣貌,探討強烈感受他者欲望的同時而被他者所疏遠的女性們,如何藉由敘事欲望或行為來建構其主體性,進而對桐野夏生之超現實小說中之欲望機制提供批判性的解讀。
Using imagination as a weapon, Kirino Natsuo creates a “super-real fictional world” where protagonists live in related, hierarchy networks that are more real than the reality. By approaching to or reflecting the truth of reality, such a fictious “super-real fictional world” fascinates the reader as it provides power that could override the reality. In applying mu-layered narrative strategy, both Memoirs of Cruelty and Grotesque are works that are hard for the reader to catch the core of the story in which the multidimensional protagonists are related with each other. Both works happen to be open texts that do not provide their reader with the privileged truth. In this paper apply Lacanian psychoanalysis to investigate the essence of the 'sexual human' who desires the desire of the Other in both works. While responding to the desire of the Other, women are alienated by the Other. How do they establish their own identity through narrating or desire for narrating will also be examined. Also, this paper will provide a critical reading of desire in Kirino's super real fictional world.
起訖頁 25-54
關鍵詞 桐野夏生「性人類」欲望拉岡性別研究Kirino Natsuo'sexual human'desireLacangender studies
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201712 (34期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 日本平安朝物語文學中服裝的作用──關於其視、聽、嗅覺性的審美觀
該期刊-下一篇 川端文學與繪畫的交響──以〈白馬〉為例




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