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台大日本語文研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Symphony between Kawabata's Literature and Art - A Study on “Hakuba"
作者 范淑文
A famed writer, Kawabata also had a great interest in fine arts and antique collections. He was closely acquainted with various artists and regularly corresponded with them. We can grasp a glimpse of Kawabata's background in arts through his integration of art works into his literature and his endeavor to gain inspirations through fine arts Among Kawabata's artist friends, he conversed most often and was most closely related to Higashiyama Kaii. In Kawabata's later years under Kawabata's suggestion, the two artists experimented on collaboration between art and literature. The results are works like Chi” (Ground, “Hus” (Undead), “Gekkabijin” (Beauty under the Moon), and “Hakuba” (White Horse). This paper will focus on the short novel Hakuba”, and compare it with Higashiyama's art works of the same title or same theme. Through understanding how these two artists appreciate each other's works, and referencing Kawabata's literary compositions from the same era “Gekkabijin and “Yubaeshojo”, this paper will try to reveal how artistic pieces affect Kawabata's literature, and uncover his motivations behind the creation of the short novel “Hakuba”.
起訖頁 55-78
關鍵詞 川端康成東山魁夷文學繪畫〈白馬〉KawabataHigashiyama KailiteratureartHakuba
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201712 (34期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 「性人類」的敘事欲望──以桐野夏生《殘虐記》《異常》為例
該期刊-下一篇 金子光晴的南洋放浪體驗──以《馬來蘭印紀行》為探討中心




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