台大日本語文研究 NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature
201606 (31期)期所有篇
城市、舊習、犯罪──閱讀《龍山寺的曹老人》系列戰後三作品 City, Old Customs, and Crimes -Reading Three of the Post-WWll old Mr. So at Ryuzan-Temple Series
試探《平家物語》中「歌物語式」樣式 On the mode of Quasi - utamonogatari Seen in The Tale of the Heike
高見順的南洋作品探究──以與《高見順日記》的比較為探討中心 Exploration of Jyun Takami's Southern Works --- Comparison With Jyun Takami's Dairies (2)
關於暗示性之訂正回饋對學習授受補助動詞所帶來的效果──重述及促進自我訂正之比較 The Effectiveness of Implicit Corrective Feedback toward the Acquisition of Benefactive Auxilliary Verbs -the Comparison between Recasts and Prompts-
日本帝國的「外地」地方行政機構與政治統合──領台初期「郡區町村」編制的歷史過程,1895~1897 The Local Administration and its Political Integration of Imperial Japan's “Outer-Territory" Taiwan-the processes of reorganizing “Gun Ku Cho Son" in Taiwan, 1895-1897
關於明治30-40年代武士道論之──考察──以其傳統思想省思為中心 A Study on the Bushido Treatises in Meijl 30 to 40 : Focus on introspection of Tradltional Thought
村落之「由緒」的形成與山伏 Formation of a Village's origin and Yamabushi