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台大日本語文研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Local Administration and its Political Integration of Imperial Japan's “Outer-Territory" Taiwan-the processes of reorganizing “Gun Ku Cho Son" in Taiwan, 1895-1897
作者 黃美惠
Taiwan became Imperial Japan's very first colony after the victory of 1895. Before the factual landing in Taiwan, Meiji Government ordered Governor-General of Taiwan to conduct surveys of existing administrative systems in Taiwan before setting up a suitable and appropriate local administration system. In other words, with a preliminary principle of courtesy to local elites, Meiji Government conceived the governance over Taiwan as a modern administration under the rule of the Governor-General, who designed the whole system and assigned its officials. Before establishing a formal local administration system based on the results of the general survey, a decree on “temporary local officials’ orders” of June 28, 1895 was first issued, according to which a “local officials system” was implemented in April 1896. It was not until May 1897 that a total reorganization of the administration system was carried out. A middle government office “Benmusho” and a lower level “Gaisyosei” were created, making the local administration a system of three levels—District, “Benmusho”, and “GaiSyoSha”. The major function of “Benmusho” was to supervise and guide “Gaisyosei”, which formed the basis of the tailor-made local administration of Taiwan.
起訖頁 99-128
關鍵詞 外地台灣地方行政地方制度辦務署街庄制殖民地行政outer-territoryTaiwanlocal administrationlocal administration systemBenmushoGaisyoseicolonia administration
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201606 (31期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 關於暗示性之訂正回饋對學習授受補助動詞所帶來的效果──重述及促進自我訂正之比較
該期刊-下一篇 關於明治30-40年代武士道論之──考察──以其傳統思想省思為中心




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