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A Study on the Bushido Treatises in Meijl 30 to 40 : Focus on introspection of Tradltional Thought
作者 簡曉花
After Meiji Restoration, westernization took Japan by storm. Until the period of Meiji 30 to 40 , nationalism gradually emerged along with the boom of the traditional writings of self-cultivation. Numerous Bushido treatises also came to the fore. Over the years, Bushido treatises research during Meiji has been more oriented towards the research topic about westernization and nationalism, and studies on the introspection of traditional thinking are relatively rare. In light of this, focusing on Bushido treatises by Tesshu, Nitobe and Inoue , and their traditional thinking are analyzed and generalized to compose the following facts. Tesshu explicitly disclosed that the essence of Bushido is composed of Shinto, Confucianism, and Buddhism, turning traditional thinking into a countermeasure against westernization and science; Nitobe clearly defines the correlations between Shinto, Confucianism, and Buddhism, turning traditional thinking into a medium with which Christianity can blend; Inoue negates Buddhism but affirms Confucianism, turning parts of traditional thinking into modules which can be put together with German Idealism. Thus, we can say that the three revitalized traditional thinking with Confucianism as their commonality.
起訖頁 129-153
關鍵詞 武士道山岡鐵舟新渡戶稻造井上哲次郎儒教BushidoYamaoka TesshuNitobe InazoInoue Tetsujiro Confucianism.
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201606 (31期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 日本帝國的「外地」地方行政機構與政治統合──領台初期「郡區町村」編制的歷史過程,1895~1897
該期刊-下一篇 村落之「由緒」的形成與山伏




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