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Formation of a Village's origin and Yamabushi
作者 永井隆之
Modern era can be deemed as a period which puts emphasis on “the origins”, the origins of the groups playing the fundamental role of a certain regional community, like a village. Previous literature points out that, urgent reasons such as attempting to solve problems in villages turn out to be the main factors of the formation of a village's origin. This research also agrees this argumentation with no dissent, but proposes that apart from direct and immediate causes, casual and continuing causes, for instance, mutual interaction considering other residents’ thoughts and constant involvement of various social groups, are also essential and worth to discuss regarding a village's origin. This research is going to focus on discussing a particular example passed down by the book recording its history at Sumiyoshi town (the former Togashi Village in Ishigawa District, Kaga no Kuni) in Kanazawa City, Ishigawa County. In concrete, a Yamabushi (an itinerary Buddhist monk) exhibited his private statues of Buddha to the neighborhood in public, and it turned out to be a new historic story of the village's origin.
起訖頁 155-178
關鍵詞 村落由緒山伏佛像開帳villageoriginYamabushistatue of Buddhaexhibition
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201606 (31期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 關於明治30-40年代武士道論之──考察──以其傳統思想省思為中心




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