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City, Old Customs, and Crimes -Reading Three of the Post-WWll old Mr. So at Ryuzan-Temple Series
作者 河尻和也
Taipei Imperial University had newly-established the anatomy laboratory since 1936, and Kanaseki Takeo took up the position as a professor. He started to study and conduct investigations for Taiwan ethnic groups in the anatomy laboratory. Kanaseki Takeo also used pseudonym, Lin, Hsiung-Sheng to publish the detective fiction Murdering on the Boat on the Taiwan Police Newspaper. He had published a series work of Old Mr. So at Ryuzan-Temple which adopted a Taiwanese ordinary detective as the main character since 1943. The series of works had been edited as a collection of novels or special edition in publishing. During the period, Kanaseki Takeo and Ikeda Toshio created the Folk Customs in Taiwan together to survey and record the Taiwan traditional culture and local customs. The paper is to explore of Kanaseki Takeo's Post-WWII Old Mr. So at Ryuzan-Temple Series from the perspectives of “entertainment” and “post-colonialism.”
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 金關丈夫林熊生龍山寺的曹老人Kanaseki TakeoL Hsiung ShengOld Mr. So at Ryazan Temple
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201606 (31期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-下一篇 試探《平家物語》中「歌物語式」樣式




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