台大日本語文研究 NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature
200712 (14期)期所有篇
女性典範之顛覆與解構──以円地文子之「女面」為例 The Subversion and Deconstruction of Women's Gender Role (Ryōsai kenbo): Enchi Fumiko's Masks
楊逵的文學作品對日本文學的受容與變容──以〈送報夫〉為主 Adoption and Transformation of Japanese Literature in YANG Kuei's Work: The Newspaper Man
漱石心目中的「桃花源」──以「草枕」為題材 The Land of Peach Blossoms' in Soseki's Eyes: Centering on Kusamakura
日語學習動機與其成效之研究──以台灣主修日文之學生為對象 Motivations for Japanese Language Study and Its Results: Focusing on Students Majoring in Japanese Language at Taiwanese Universities
台灣日語學習者學習策略量表之建構 The Framework-Making of SILL for Japanese Language Learners in Taiwan
日語口語訓練系統的建構──電腦輔助日語有聲及無聲破裂音教學 An Oral Skills Training System for Japanese Language Teaching: A CALL Solution for the Instruction of Voiced and Voiceless Plosives
以中日語對照研究觀點探討具有補文關係的複合動詞 V1V2 Compound Verbs of the Complementation Type in Japanese and Chinese
網路教材融入教學之成效探討──以文法課為例 Discussing the Effects of Incorporating Internet Material in Japanese Grammar Class