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The Subversion and Deconstruction of Women's Gender Role (Ryōsai kenbo): Enchi Fumiko's Masks
作者 陳美瑤
Enchi Fumiko is one of the few women writers in Japan who has commanded the respect of the male-dominated literary world while writing unflinching representations of sexual politics from an implicitly feminist point of view. Successfully synthesized literary influences from the East and West, as well as from the past and present, Enchi explored themes of the residual destructive effects of the family system and the strictly determined gender roles for women. Masks is one of her representative works that display how to write against the patriarchy. With intertextual references to The Tale of Genji and other classic literature, Masks is presented through many kinds of performance depicted in the novel, such as the Noh plays and the layeredness of spiritualism. The female protagonist's long-term and devious revenge on her husband not only reclaims the matrilineal origins of ”blood lineage” from their conventional subordination to patrilineal ideology, but also subverts the traditional gender codes for both men and women.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 家族國家良妻賢母性別角色西蘇陰性書寫family nationgood wife and wise mothergender roleCixousécriture f'eminine
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200712 (14期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-下一篇 楊逵的文學作品對日本文學的受容與變容──以〈送報夫〉為主




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