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台大日本語文研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Framework-Making of SILL for Japanese Language Learners in Taiwan
作者 林明煌
本研究的目的在於,建構適合台灣的日語學習者之學習策略量表(Strategy Inventory for Language Learning: SILL)。為達此目的,以通過日語能力檢定測驗1級之本籍大學日語教師(27位)與日研所的研究生(32位)為對象,透過半結構的訪談方式,利用量化與質性的分析手法,整理出台灣優秀日語學習者學習策略的架構。此外,為了方便建構學習策略量表的項目內容,本研究也針對不同學習經驗與年齡之師生所使用的學習策略,進行差異性的分析。根據研究結果發現,優秀日語學習者所使用的學習策略是重複的、統合的,而非單一的、一成不變的;學習策略的使用情形會依學習者的學習課題、學習經歷與學習環境的不同而有所差異。因此,以英語學習者為對象所建構之Oxford, R. L.(1990)的學習策略量表(SILL),需要進行部份的修正,才能符合台灣日語學習者學習策略的使用特色。而且,在建構學習策略量表的題目時,必須思慮師生間學習策略使用上的差異,如此才能設計出較有信度和效度的量表出來。
This study aims to make the framework of SILL for Japanese Language Learner in Taiwan, by investigating language learning strategies used by 58 good language learners there are teachers (26) and postgraduates (32) in universities of Taiwan, who passed level 1 of Japanese Proficiency Test. This paper reviews representative studies using ”Language Learning Strategies” to identify similarities and differences across learning tasks, and qualitatively analyzes the detail of interviews with teachers and postgraduates. According to the investigation, the results are identified as follows: there is a statistical difference in language learning strategies between Japanese teachers and postgraduates, and it is truth that the good learner's language learning strategies are reduplicate and synergetic, not single and constant. That is to say, good language learner could make a good choice and use strategies to learn Japanese Language based on specific task or subject. Frequency of use of language learning strategies appears to be directly related to whether learners are in JSL or EFL setting. Moreover, significant differences related to learning experience, cultural background, and career have been found in the frequency of strategy use, so it is necessary to remake the framework of Oxford's SILL for Japanese Language Learner in Taiwan.
起訖頁 127-157
關鍵詞 自律學習優秀語言學習者學習策略SILLAutonomyGood Language LearnerLearning StrategiesSILL
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200712 (14期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 日語學習動機與其成效之研究──以台灣主修日文之學生為對象
該期刊-下一篇 日語口語訓練系統的建構──電腦輔助日語有聲及無聲破裂音教學




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