台大日本語文研究 NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature |
200412 (7期)期所有篇 |
- 〈夢應鯉魚〉的典據及其中心思想 A Study: The Origins and Main Idea of Muo-no-rigyo
- 從教育基本法修改議論的歷史發展來看戰後日本教育改革的變化 Examining the Changes in Post-war Educational Reform in Japan—From a Historical view of the controversy on the revision of “The Fundamental Law of Education”
- 漱石文學中展現之南畫心象──以《虞美人草》為素材 The Revelation of Nanga Imagery in Soseki Natsume's Gubijinso
- 「牡丹燈記」系譜‧再考──關於雙頭牡丹燈 The Genealogy and Reconsideration of ‘’Muu Dna Deng Jih’’ - Focusing on the Original Setting “Bicipital Peony Chinese lantern”and Its Modification-
- 森鷗外的《舞姬》論──與《情史》《霍小玉傳》的關係 Mori Ogai's Maihime–the Relation with Classical Chinese Literature, the Qingshi and the Huoxiaoyu zhuan
- 動詞「はしる」的多義構造分析 A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of Polysemic Meanings of Japanese Verb 'hashiru(to run)'