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The Genealogy and Reconsideration of ‘’Muu Dna Deng Jih’’ - Focusing on the Original Setting “Bicipital Peony Chinese lantern”and Its Modification-
作者 高惠玲
“Jean Deng Shin Huah’’ is a collection of twenty novels by Qu You from the Ming Dynasty. There are four volumes and each volume has five pieces and two appendixes. “Chiou Shiang Tyng Jih” and “Jih Mei Jih”. Gozan, the Zen monk of Kyoto, brought the collection to Japan in the early Tenmon period. At first it was only read in Zen temples, but later it was available to the public. As Mr. Takeshi Yamaguchi indicated, the first Japanese ghost stories of the Edo period were inspired by this work, and it has had a great influence on Japanese modern literature. “Muu Dan Deng Jih” ( the fourth talk of the second volume) is the most famous piece, and soon after it was introduced into Japan, it was translated or adapted into various versions. Due to the importance of comparing current versions to the original, I consider the structural differences between Chinese and Japanese ghost stories, focusing on the setting of “Bicipital Peony” in the original work and its modifications after it was brought to Japan.
起訖頁 71-89
關鍵詞 盟器婢子雙頭牡丹二分化禮教情慾MeikiboukodollsBicipital Peonydivisionethiceros
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200412 (7期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 漱石文學中展現之南畫心象──以《虞美人草》為素材
該期刊-下一篇 森鷗外的《舞姬》論──與《情史》《霍小玉傳》的關係




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