台大日本語文研究 NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature |
200306 (4期)期所有篇 |
- 中日兩國文學裡的「理想鄉」──以唐代傳奇與《源氏物語》為主 The Arcadia in Chinese and Japanese Literature—An Investigation on Short Stories of Tang Dynasty and the Tale of Genji—
- 〈一夜〉小論──繪畫代表之意義 A Study of "Ichiya" -from the Viewpoint of Painting
- 曲亭馬琴之讀本與《易經》《春秋》 Bakin's Novels and I-Ching, Chun-Chiu
- 論文學中的李陵形象──以中島敦〈李陵〉為探討中心 The Figure of “Li-ling” in the Literature Thesis--Take Zhong-Dao-Dun “Li-ling” as the Core of Exploring
- 和漢詩歌的交會──以《新撰萬葉集》上卷第三十三組詩歌為例 The Cross Influence between Japanese Poetry(Ho-K') and Han Poetry-Take the Thirty-third Pair Poetry of the New Composed Wan-Yeh Collection As Example
- 試論《竹取物語》中的「物語和歌」翻譯問題 On the Translation Problems of 'Monogatariwaka' in the Tale of Bamboo Cutter (Taketorimonogatari)
- 近代中國外交官與日本文人的思想及典籍交流 The Interactions between Chinese Diplomats and Japanese Scholars of Modern Times-in the Fields of Philosophy and Ancient Works
- 《漢書》〈蘇武傳〉於《平家物語》與《今昔物語集》中的轉化意義 The Transformed Meaningfulness in Han Shu, Shu Wu Chuan, Hekeimonogatari, Konjyakumonogatari