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On the Translation Problems of 'Monogatariwaka' in the Tale of Bamboo Cutter (Taketorimonogatari)
作者 賴振南
Techniques applied in the translation of waka (traditional Japanese short-form poetry) in the anthologies differ from that in the creative folktales. Each rhyming verse in an anthology of waka is independent, whereas the waka in the creative folktales should be read in the context of the whole work so that readers can have a profound understanding and be immersed in the atmosphere when appreciating waka. Thus, when translating monogatariuta (contextualization of poetry), I take into consideration the context of the folktales, the notes, and explanations of each vocabulary. Consequently, I use the form of heptasyllabic quatrains (four line stanzas with each line consisting of seven syllables), attempting to convey the meaning of monogatariuta in my translation. On the contrary, the Chinese translator, Zi-kai Feng (豐子愷 ), when dealing with the translation of waka in classic works, adopts the form of heptasyllabic couplets (two line stanzas with each line consisting of seven syllables) or pentasyllabic quatrains (four line stanzas with each line consisting of five syllables) interchangeably. His translation does not follow the form concerning the numbers of syllables, and he changes the form and style at will. Although whether Feng's methodology affects the overall beauty of the translation of monogatariuta is debatable, the “heptasyllabic couplet” form that Feng habitually uses is concise but in danger of being oversimplified and unable to present the complete texts and to express the artistic conception. Therefore, through comparing different translations of monogatariuta, analyzing the use of words and various interpretations, and discovering the advantages and disadvantages in a variety of forms and styles, my research aims to find examples to follow in translating waka.
起訖頁 111-128
關鍵詞 竹取物語和歌和歌物語物語和歌和歌翻譯TaketorimonogatariWakaUtamonogatariMonogatariutaTranslation of waka
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200306 (4期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 和漢詩歌的交會──以《新撰萬葉集》上卷第三十三組詩歌為例
該期刊-下一篇 近代中國外交官與日本文人的思想及典籍交流




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