香蕉催熟之研究(三)臺蕉封外加乙烯之後熟反應與溫度及香蕉成熱度間之關係 Studies on the Ripening of Bananas III. Ripening Responses of Taiwan Bananas to Exogenous Ethylene in Relation to Temperature and Fruit Maturity
下水道污泥對矮牽牛和細葉萬壽菊生長、開花與礦物成分之影響 Effect of Sewage Sludge on Growth, Flowering and Mineral Composition in Petunia and French Marigold
豌豆種子活力對發芽與植株生育之影響(一)滲漏作用對發芽之影響 Infeuence of Seed Vigor on Germination and Plant Growth of Peas (Pisum sativum L.) I. Effect of Leaching on Seed Germination
藥劑處理對加工番石榴產期調節之研究 The Use of Chemicals for Regulating Production Periods in Processing Guava