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Effect of Sewage Sludge on Growth, Flowering and Mineral Composition in Petunia and French Marigold
作者 李哖
利用砂/杉木屑混合無土介質,拌1/3~2/3體積臺北市下水道脫水污泥,栽植矮牽牛‘White Cascade’已具根球之成苗及細葉萬壽菊‘Petite Yellow’小苗,再追施硝酸鉀或完全肥料,可生產優良品質之盆花。污泥用量以佔1/3體積為宜。拌有汙泥介質,矮牽牛葉含氮、磷、鈣、硼、錳、鋅、銅較對照為多;對細葉萬壽菊,在測試19種元素中,除銅含量未增加外,其他18種元素含量均增高。在所有元素中鋅含量增加最多,在拌入2/3體積污泥者,矮牽牛葉片有黃化現象,認為與鋅過多有關。
Petunia 'White Cascade' and French marigold 'Petite Yellow' were grown on sand/sawdust (1:1) mix amended with 1/3-2/3 volume of digested sewage sludge and fertilized with complete nutrients or potassium nitrate. The sewage sludge was found to be an effective ingredient and as a low analysis slow releasing fertilizer for potting media for petunia and French marigold when liquid nutrients were applied. Sludge supplied much higher amount of N, P, Ca, B, Mn, Zn, Cu than control in petunia. Sludge also supplied higher amount of most elements that had been tested (19 elements except Mo) than control in French marigold. The chlorosis of petunia would be induced by Zn toxicity when media amended with 2/3 by volume of sewage sludge. However, the French marigold seems can tolorance high content of Zn in tops.
起訖頁 188-198
關鍵詞 矮牽牛細葉萬壽菊下水道污泥礦物成分重金屬petuniaFrench marigoldsewage sludgemineral compositionheavy metals
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 198809 (34:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 香蕉催熟之研究(三)臺蕉封外加乙烯之後熟反應與溫度及香蕉成熱度間之關係
該期刊-下一篇 豌豆種子活力對發芽與植株生育之影響(一)滲漏作用對發芽之影響




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