屏東科大體育學刊 Journal of NPUST Physcial Education |
202109 (15期)期所有篇 |
- 女性有氧舞蹈者運動參與和體型滿意度關係:自我呈現的中介效果 The Relationship between Exercise Participation and Body Satisfaction of Female Aerobic Dancers: The Mediating Effect of Self-Presentation
- 軀幹與籃板夾角對投籃命中率的表現 The influence of the angle between the basketball player's torso and the backboard on the field goal percentage
- 急速減重對於柔道選手之分析及討論 Analysis and discussion of rapid weight loss for judo players
- 增強式訓練方式在田徑運動訓練之應用 Application of Plyometric Training Method in Track and Field Sports Training
- 大學生女生心理彈性與體適能之差異研究 Research on the Correlation between Mental Resilience and Physical Fitness Abstract