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Analysis and discussion of rapid weight loss for judo players
作者 何家安李敏華侯碧燕
柔道是一項國際知名且廣受歡迎的運動,它一般被歸類於現代武術,後期慢慢演變為格鬥運動,並被納入奧運會重點項目。不論年齡、性別、技術水平,任何人都可以參與柔道運動。柔道比賽特殊的一點是以體重分級,在每次比賽之前,運動員都必須進行體重測量,以確定他們的體重符合競技量級規定。競賽體重分級是在過去建立的,目的是讓每個人都有公平的機會與具有相似特徵的其他人競爭。而此因素,進而演變成許多教練及選手獲得勝利的關鍵,但在爭取量級的同時,又造成急速減重(Rapid Weight Loss, RWL)之誕生,在國際各項格鬥賽事中,包含跆拳道、角力、空手道、武術散打、拳擊等,皆可能使用到急速減重,柔道項目更不例外。然而,急速減重卻對於選手的身體有許多隱藏危機,部分運動員採用飲食控制、脫水等方式,但對於國際比賽前的減重,有些會使用較極端之方法,例如:瀉藥、利尿劑、減重藥或嘔吐等,都對運動員身體有很大的負擔以及營養的流失。基於以上背景因素,本文整理許多關於使用急速減重的相關文獻,提供運動員及教練作為賽前準備及比賽的參考,並希望藉由此文能助於其了解更多關於急速減重之負面影響以及相關營養之補充。
Judo is an internationally well-known and widely popular sport. It is generally classified as modern martial arts, and later gradually evolved into a fighting sport, and was included in the Olympic Games' key events. Regardless of age, gender, or technical level, anyone can participate in judo. A special feature of judo competitions is weight classification. Before each competition, athletes must take weight measurements to ensure that their weight meets the competition weight classification. The competition weight classification was established in the past to give everyone a fair chance to compete with others with similar characteristics. This factor has evolved into the key for many coaches and players to win. However, while striving for the weight level, it has also led to the birth of Rapid Weight Loss (RWL). In various international fighting events, including taekwondo, Wrestling, karate, Wushu Sanda, boxing, etc. may all be used for rapid weight loss, and judo is no exception. However, rapid weight loss has many hidden dangers to the players' bodies. Most athletes adopt diet control, dehydration, etc., but for weight loss before international competitions, some will use more extreme methods, such as laxatives, diuretics, and weight loss. Heavy drugs or vomiting, etc., have a great burden on the athlete's body and loss of nutrition. Based on the above background factors, this article sorts out many related documents on the use of rapid weight loss and provides athletes and coaches as a reference for pre-match preparation and competition and hopes that this article can help them understand more about the negative effects of rapid weight loss, and related nutritional supplements.
起訖頁 23-32
關鍵詞 柔道體重分級減重營養JudoWeight ClassificationWeight LossNutrition
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202109 (15期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 軀幹與籃板夾角對投籃命中率的表現
該期刊-下一篇 增強式訓練方式在田徑運動訓練之應用




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