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Application of Plyometric Training Method in Track and Field Sports Training
作者 鄧培昕歐文阡何金山
The target of athletic training is to improve athletic performance. Track and field as the mother of sports, athlete's fitness is the most directly reflected on the game performance, it is also the selection criteria for coaches. However, after reaching the higher level of the competitive league, the advantages of connate ability are gradually declining, and the specific technique are become matures. The fitness of the athletes has become similar, the training course and characteristics of different coaches are the key makes player standing out. plyometric training is the most commonly used method to improve explosive abilities. Because its mechanism is very suitable for many special techniques of track and field, and the increase of explosive ability can strengthen the specific technique variables and improve the performance. At present, plyometric training is commonly used in Taiwan's track and field training, but plyometric training is rarely combined with specific technique characteristics. This article uses a literature review to discuss the benefits of plyometric training applied to track and field, and explore the effectiveness of different modes combination with plyometric training, whether it can be applied to track and field training, hope to provide more diversification special training methods for track and field.
起訖頁 33-42
關鍵詞 競技訓練專項技術效益competitive trainingspecial technologybenefit
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202109 (15期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 急速減重對於柔道選手之分析及討論
該期刊-下一篇 大學生女生心理彈性與體適能之差異研究




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