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Research on the Correlation between Mental Resilience and Physical Fitness Abstract
作者 齊璘何育敏謝文富
This article explores whether there is a correlation between the physical fitness performance of college girls and the psychological flexibility, and whether people with high physical fitness can have higher psychological flexibility to adapt to emergencies. A total of 100 college girls were recruited in this study, and they were divided into high and low physical fitness groups based on their physical fitness test scores. The mental toughness scale was applied, and use Excel and R language statistical analysis compare the three dimensions of mental flexibility, toughness, strength and optimism. The research results show that (1) The indicators of high physical fitness are better than those of low physical fitness, and in the BMI (body mass index), the high physical fitness is higher than the low physical fitness in the standard posture. (2) People with high physical fitness are on average higher than those with low physical fitness in the three dimensions of toughness, strength and optimism, and there is a significant difference in toughness and strength (p <.05), indicating high and low physical fitness There are significant differences in the correlation between toughness (p=0.021) and strength (p=0.018), but not significant in optimism (p=0.51). This conclusion confirms that people with high physical fitness have higher psychological flexibility, especially in terms of strength, which can quickly recover after setbacks and even gain the ability to grow and develop.
起訖頁 43-53
關鍵詞 大學生心理彈性體適能College studentspsychological elasticityphysical ability
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202109 (15期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 增強式訓練方式在田徑運動訓練之應用




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