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The Relationship between Exercise Participation and Body Satisfaction of Female Aerobic Dancers: The Mediating Effect of Self-Presentation
作者 李偉民李騫豪
基於規律從事運動可提升女性身體意象評價的觀點,本研究旨在探討女性有氧舞蹈者運動參與和體型滿意度關係,並進一步檢驗自我呈現的中介影響效果。本研究為橫斷式調查設計,利用便利抽樣法自健身中心選取成年女性為參與者,共200位,平均年齡為37(SD=8.31)歲;徵求同意後讓其填寫背景問卷、運動自我呈現量表及體型滿意度量表,將所得資料以線性結構方程模式及拔靴法(bootstrap method)進行統計分析。結果顯示:運動參與、自我呈現及體型滿意度存在顯著的線性結構關係,且自我呈現在運動參與體型滿意度關係出現部分中介影響效果。結論指出:女性透過規律運動改善體型評價過程中,必須考慮自我呈現的影響,即女性若以形象管理為涉入動機,規律運動改變體型滿意度的效果會愈顯著。
Based on the view that regular exercise can improve the evaluation of body image for female, this study aims to explore the relationship between female aerobic dancers' exercise participation and body satisfaction, and to further examine the mediating effect of self-presentation. This study was a cross-sectional survey design, using convenience sampling method to select adult women from the fitness center as participants, a total of 200, with an average age of 37 (SD = 8.31) years old. After informed consent was obtained, participants were requested to fill out a questionnaire regarding background, exercise participation, self-presentation, and body satisfaction. Structural equation modeling and bootstrap method were utilized for data analysis. The results showed that there is a significant linear structural relationship among exercise participation, self-presentation, and body satisfaction. Self-presentation partially mediated the relationships between exercise participation and body satisfaction. It was concluded that in the process of improving the body shape of women through regular exercise, the influence of self-presentation must be considered. That is, if women use impression management as the motivation for involvement, the effect of regular exercise on body satisfaction will be more significant.
起訖頁 1-12
關鍵詞 規律運動身體意象評價形象管理Regular ExerciseEvaluation of Body ImageImpression Management
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202109 (15期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-下一篇 軀幹與籃板夾角對投籃命中率的表現




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