202306 (39期)期所有篇 |
- 精讀杜甫 A Close Reading of Du Fu
- 從霸伯盂銘文論周王朝與霸國之互動關係――兼論周王朝的邦國聯盟 On the Interaction between the Zhou Dynasty and the Baguo (霸國) from the Inscriptions of Babo yu (霸伯盂)
- 西周金文述祖銘辭研究 A Study on the format of“Shu Zu”in Western Zhou Bronze Inscriptions
- 據安大簡談《詩經‧秦風‧權輿》「於我乎」 A New Interpretation of the Phrase Yuwohu於我乎from the“Quanyu”Poetry in Light of the Anda Shijing Manuscripts
- 《廣列仙傳》與《有象列仙全傳》之出版及其東傳 The Publication and Spread of Guang Lie Xian Zhuan and You Xiang Lie Xian Quan Zhuan
- 「集中的藝術家」與「墜落的伊卡洛斯」:木心的浪漫耶穌形象 “The Concentrated Artist”and“The Fallen Icarus”: Mu Xin’s Romantic Image of Jesus
- 回望我島:林俊《猛暑》的未來懸想與抒情意識 Looking Back to My Island: The Future Fancy and the Lyrical Consciousness of Formosa Heat from Lin Jun-yin