202112 (36期)期所有篇 |
- 杳杳寒山道──英語文化圈「寒山研究」的歷史回顧與簡評 So Remote, the Road to Cold Mountain: A Review of the ''Hanshan Studies'' over the Past Decades by Anglophone Cultures, with A Brief Comment
- 作為救贖的等待──中國哲學場域「聖王崇拜」的起源、結構與原理 Waiting as Salvation: The Origin, Structure and Principle of 'Sage King Worship' in the Field of Chinese Philosophy
- 酈道元《水經注》異事書寫與引述文獻的新詮釋 The Reinterpretation of Strange Writings and Quotations in Li Daoyuan's Shuijing Zhu
- 敦煌「出家」類讚歌抄寫樣貌與應用 A Study on the Appearance of Copies and Applications of ''The Hymn of Becoming a Monk'' in Dunhuang Manuscripts
- 郭實獵「新文學」的宗教文學思想與啟蒙意圖 The Religious Literary Notions of Karl Gutzlaff's ''New Literature'' and Its Enlightenment Intention
- 中國小說觀念的「世紀之變」──以梁啟超、王國維、胡適、魯迅為中心 The ''Centennial Change'': A Study of the Concept of Chinese Novel Focusing on Liang Qichao, Wang Guowei, Hu Shi and Lu Xun
- 汪精衛〈憶舊遊‧落葉〉的作意、效用與迴響再探──主和派的認知隱喻及其美感特質 Revisiting the Intention, Effect and Repercussions of Wang Jingwei's ''Yi Jiu You, Luoye'': The Cognitive Metaphors and Aesthetic Values of the Doves
- 誰在調景嶺上吟詩?──戰後臺、港古典詩歌關係起點及其相關問題 Who Is Chanting at Tiu Keng Leng?: The Inception of and Relationship between Post-war Taiwan and Hong Kong Classical Poetry Societies and Other Questions