史匯 Shih-Hui |
201402 (17期)期所有篇 |
- 戰時體制下臺灣原住民青年與學生的觀光旅行(1937-1945) The Sightseeing and Educational Excursion of Taiwan Aboriginal Youth and Students under World War II ( 1937-1945 )
- 動物養殖的文化史:以近代臺灣大家族園林與田園生活為例的探討 A Cultural History of Animal Breeding: Case Study on Garden and Rural Lives of Great Families in Modern Taiwan
- 明代福建倉儲政策研究 Study Granary Policy of Ming Dynasty in Fujian Province
- 馬士英與福王登基之研究 The Relationship between Ma Shih-ying and Prince of Fu Becaming The Emperor
- 日治初期基隆築港調查委員會之研究 The Commission of Keelung Harbor Construction in the Early Japanise Colonial Period
- 列強華北駐軍問題與撤兵交涉( 1902-1914 ) The Negotiation between China and Foreign Powers about The Situation of Garrison in North China, 1900-1914.
- 日治時期臺北的都市化──以自來水道建置為探討中心( 1907-1933 ) The Urbanization of Taipei City in the Japanese Colonial Period : Discussion on The Construction of Waterworks( 1907-1933 )
- 《古代地中海和中國關係史研究》評介 Review on The Research of the Relationship between the Ancient Mediterranean Sea and China