史匯 Shih-Hui |
201503 (18 期)期所有篇 |
- 晚明史家的競合關係——以徐學謨王世貞為例 The Mutural Impacts among Historians in the Late Ming: A Case Study of the Relation between Hsu Hsueh-mo and Wang Shih-chen
- 近代長崎華商的媽祖信仰文化 Mazu Customs and Beliefs in Modern Day Nagasaki Chinese Merchants
- 佛典詮釋歷史上的再思考:以《六祖大師法寶壇經》中情緒管理回歸為例 The Rethinking on the Ancient Classicz-Wisdom of Emotional Control in the Buddhist Sutra of“Fa Bao Tan Jing”
- 晚明衛所與州縣關係探研——以泗州衛月糧為線索 The Relations between Prefectures and Weisuos in the late Ming dynasty-A Case Study of Sizhou Wei's Yueliang
- 抗戰前國民政府兵工署兵工委員會的人事分析(1928-1937) A Study on the Personnel and Management of Ordnance Members of Ordnance Department in National Government before the War against Japan (1928-1937)
- 1945-1949年臺灣旅遊發展與大陸遊客之研究——兼論臺灣旅行社之角色 The Study of the Development of Taiwan's Traveling and China Tourists in 1945~1949─The Role of the Traveling Company in Taiwan
- 胡耀邦與鄧小平之間的合作與衝突 The Cooperation and Conflict between Hu Yaobang and Deng Xiaoping(1978-1983)