漢學研究 Chinese Studies |
202303 (41:1期)期所有篇 |
- 殷周之際物觀念的生成脈絡──以儀式行動與禮文意識為線索的考察 Formation of the Concept of“Things”物in the Yin and Zhou Dynasties:Ritual Practices and Ritual Consciousness
- 曆數與推厄──漢唐間的「陽九百六」說及其災異論述 Calendar Systems and Calculating Natural Disasters: The Thought of“Yang Jiu Bai Liu”陽九百六and Related Discourses during the Han and Tang Dynasties
- 唐代鬱金考述 A Study of“Yujin”鬱金(Crocus sativus) in the Tang Dynasty
- 世祖建元故事與元初內外政制──馬可.波羅所記「十二男爵」、「三十四省」、「蠻子九國」考釋 Establishing the Yuan Dynasty and Its Early Internal and External Political Systems: The“Twelve Barons,”“Thirty-Four Provinces,”and“Nine Barbarian Kingdoms”as Recorded by Marco Polo
- 西子湖原如畫本,南屏僧慣作詩人──南屏「七代詩僧」考論 As the West Lake Is Like a Painting, the Nanping Monks Are Meant to Be Poets: A Study of the“Seven Generations of Poet-Monks”from Nanping
- 清法戰爭與北臺灣武裝集團的動員──以張李成為例 The Sino-French War and the Mobilization of Local Armed Groups in Northern Taiwan: The Case of Zhang Licheng
- 晚清北洋翻譯官曾蘭生研究(1875-1895) A Study of Zeng Laisun as an Interpreter in Beiyang in the Late Qing Dynasty (1875-1895)
- 漢語方位詞的詞類與詞態屬性 On the Syntactic Category and Morphological Status of Localizers in Mandarin Chinese
- 評李猛,《齊梁皇室的佛教信仰與撰述》 Li Meng, Buddhist Beliefs and Writings of the Royal Families of the Qi and Liang Dynasties
- 評Xiaoshan Yang, Wang Anshi and Song Poetic Culture Xiaoshan Yang, Wang Anshi and Song Poetic Culture
- 評Rivi Handler-Spitz, Pauline C. Lee, and Huan Saussy, eds.,The Objectionable Li Zhi: Fiction, Criticism, and Dissent in Late Ming China Rivi Handler-Spitz, Pauline C. Lee, and Huan Saussy, eds.,The Objectionable Li Zhi: Fiction, Criticism, and Dissent in Late Ming China