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A Study of“Yujin”鬱金(Crocus sativus) in the Tang Dynasty
作者 梁樹風
本文先通過比對現今《植物志》與傳統文獻有關「鬱金」的表述,提出唐人於「鬱金」的表述所以異於舊有的文獻,乃在於唐人對「鬱金」有了更準確的認識;本文復通過整理波斯、阿拉伯等地醫藥典籍對「鬱金」的記載,進一步解 「鬱金」在唐代出現的場域和相關的用例。
“Yujin” 鬱金 (Crocus sativus) was considerably important among the foreign aromatic medicines seen in the Tang dynasty, a fact which can be justified in two respects: looking at extant Tang classical literature, “yujin” is the most recorded of all medicines given as tribute by various states; secondly, among the foreign aromatic medicines recorded in the New Book of Tang 新唐書, the origins of “yujin” is most detailed. During the Tang dynasty, however, “yujin” could only be obtained through foreign import, making it a rare and expensive good, and therefore, only a few works of Chinese literature concern the plant. Those which in fact mention “yujin” are often obscure, or even in contradiction with one another, resulting in difficulties for posterity to compare and organize them.
By comparing expressions regarding “yujin” between extant classical literature and present-day information, the present paper is dedicated to establishing an account for the divergence in descriptions of “yujin” between texts originating from the Tang and those from earlier times. The primary reason for this divergence is that people in the Tang dynasty largely had better and more accurate knowledge of the plant. Furthermore, through the organization of records of “yujin” found in ancient Persian and Arabic medical texts, we can further advance our understanding of the domains in which “yujin” usually appears and their related examples.
起訖頁 77-117
關鍵詞 唐代文學唐代醫學鬱金香藥植物與文學Tang dynasty literatureTang dynasty medicineCrocus sativusaromatic medicineplants and literature
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202303 (41:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 曆數與推厄──漢唐間的「陽九百六」說及其災異論述
該期刊-下一篇 世祖建元故事與元初內外政制──馬可.波羅所記「十二男爵」、「三十四省」、「蠻子九國」考釋




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