天監初南傳所謂《漢書》「真本」探討 An Investigation of the So-called Hanshu Manuscript from the Early Liang Dynasty
國境之西--論南朝作家鮑照、謝朓與蕭繹的荊州書寫 The West Country: A Study on the Jingzhou Writing of Bao Zhao, Xie Tiao, and Xiao Yi
切韻音系聲母的內部構擬 Internal Reconstruction of the Initial System of Qieyun
大理山鄉與土官政治--雞足山佛教聖山的形成 The Politics of Native Officials in the Mountains: Shaping a Buddhist Sacred Site in Southwest China
荻生徂徠的古代中國史觀與政治思想--「聖人之道」的重構與「宋學」批判 Ogy□ Sorai's Historical Perspective on China and Political Thought: Reconstructing the Way of the Sages and Criticizing Song Confucianism
由《商賈便覽》看十八世紀中國的商業倫理 A Consideration of Eighteenth-century Chinese Business Ethics from the Perspective of the Brief Guide for Traders and Shopkeepers
清代地方志的知識性質--以光緒《金門志》為例 The Nature of Knowledge in Qing Dynasty Local Gazetteers: The Jinmen Gazetteer as a Case Study
儀式、記憶與秩序--清文人戲曲與地方社會關係之探索 Ritual, Memory, and Social Order: An Exploration of the Relationship between Qing Literati Plays and Local Society
《香山寶卷》的表演與儀式側面--以常熟地區「講經宣卷」活動為例 On the Performance and Ritual Aspects of the "Xiangshan Baojuan": A Case Study of Religious Assemblies in the Changshu Area
燕行使團擔任文化媒介的朝鮮譯官--以金慶門為研究中心 Choson Yokkwan as Cultural Agents in the Yonhaengsa Missions: Kim Kyong-mun as a Case Study