「可」疑問用法來源補議 A Supplementary Discussion on the Formation of the Interrogative Usages of Ke
「化宦」——明中期士大夫對宦官的新認知與行動 Moral Education without Prejudice: The New Attitude and Behavior of Mid-Ming Scholar-Officials toward Eunuchs
真幻之間——黃周星的宗教書寫與遺民意識 Between Reality and Illusion: Ming Loyalist Consciousness in Huang Zhouxing’s Religious Writing
政治壓抑下的集體記憶——清初張煌言事蹟的傳播 Collective Memory under Political Repression: Circulation of the Deeds of Zhang Huangyan
行獵詰戎——康、乾兩帝圍獵殪虎的意義與虎槍營的演變 Hunting and Military Training: The Significance of Tiger-Hunting to the Kangxi and Qianlong Emperors and the Evolution of the Tiger Spear Brigade
警幻與覺迷——《紅樓夢》與遺民情懷 Disenchantment and the Allegiance of the Remnant Subject in Dream of the Red Chamber
《讀書雜志》稱引王引之學說探源——《經義述聞》疑案考實 On the Origin of Wang Yinzhi’s Ideas in Dushu Zazhi: Research on the Authorship of Jingyi Shuwen