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Moral Education without Prejudice: The New Attitude and Behavior of Mid-Ming Scholar-Officials toward Eunuchs
作者 吳兆豐
In traditional Confucian culture, eunuchs were regarded as a hidden danger in politics. They were viewed as nothing more than palace servants and not even people in the complete sense of the word. In Ming dynasty politics, however, eunuchs occupied a vital position in the imperial political framework. They acted as intermediaries in communications between the emperor and those officials who had little opportunity to meet him to discuss political issues directly. As a consequence, mid-Ming scholar-officials, such as Qiu Jun 丘濬, Zhan Ruoshui 湛若水, He Tang 何瑭, Gong Rucheng 貢汝成, Tang Shu 唐 樞 and Wang Ji 王畿, set about rethinking their attitudes towards eunuchs. They agreed that eunuchs could have good natures and intentions, and be morally improved through education. From the mid-Ming, this new understanding of eunuchs developed into a sustained movement to morally educate them. Scholar-officials compiled books describing good and bad examples of eunuchs in Chinese history and wrote specialist works on the moral education of eunuchs. Besides these, they also utilized the Eunuch School 內書堂 system to implement and promote the eunuchs’ moral improvement. By the late Ming, scholar-officials had placed their hopes of improving politics and influencing the emperor on
起訖頁 37-71
關鍵詞 明代士大夫宦官儒家內書堂Ming dynastyscholar-officialseunuchsConfucianismEunuch School
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201606 (34:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 「可」疑問用法來源補議
該期刊-下一篇 真幻之間——黃周星的宗教書寫與遺民意識




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