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Disenchantment and the Allegiance of the Remnant Subject in Dream of the Red Chamber
作者 廖咸浩
In Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢, the Goddess of Disenchantment 警幻仙子 seems both Buddhist (in trying to disenchant Baoyu 寶玉 from emotional attachment 情 ) and Confucian (in advising him to study for entering officialdom), but is in fact a messenger for the Cheng-Zhu 程朱school of Neo-Confucianism who has adopted Buddhist disenchanting strategies. Her antipathy toward carnal indulgence indicates that she symbolizes a new and unblemished form of the Cheng-Zhu school. In the context of the novel, this change of state ideology could only refer to that which occurred when the Ming dynasty was overthrown by the Manchus. Thus, only when we read Dream of the Red Chamber allegorically, especially as a national allegory, are we able to detect the hidden sentiments of the remnant subject. Metafictional theory helps lay bare the three fold structure of the novel in which both the outermost narrative, representing the position of the author, and the middle layer narrative, representing that of the Qing ruler, are trying to win over the allegiance of the innermost layer, that of the remnant subject, who clings unrelentingly to his emotional attachment to the fallen Ming. The correspondences between “disenchantment” in the novel and in the Dayi juemi lu (大義覺迷錄 Report on Disenchantment in Light of the Great Principles, issued by the Yongzheng Emperor), both in terms of name and content of discourse, further substantiate the argument that this novel is a semi-memoir written to reinforce the will of the remnant subject not to serve the new usurper-ruler.
起訖頁 175-206
關鍵詞 紅樓夢大義覺迷錄遺民程朱國族寓言後設小說Dream of the Red ChamberDayi juemi luremnant subjectCheng-Zhu 程朱 schoolnational allegorymetafiction
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201606 (34:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 行獵詰戎——康、乾兩帝圍獵殪虎的意義與虎槍營的演變
該期刊-下一篇 《讀書雜志》稱引王引之學說探源——《經義述聞》疑案考實




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