新加坡客家發展的文化政治:跨國連結、彈性關係與文化詮釋 The Cultural Politics of Singaporean Hakka: Transnationality, Flexible Relation and Cultural Interpretation
民國時期新加坡大埔人與原鄉互動研究:以吳深才《帳本》和吳發祥《日記交易》為中心 A Study of Interaction between Singapore Dabu Hakka and the Native Place in China during the Republican Period: Taking Shencai Wu’s Account Book and Faxiang Wu’s Trading Diary as Examples
甲必丹葉觀盛時代的吉隆坡客家幫權政治發展(1889-1902) The Clan Politics in Kuala Lumpur Hakka Dialect Group in the Time of Capitan Yap Kwan Seng (1889-1902)
馬來西亞福佬人和客家人的關係探析:以檳城美湖水長華人義山墓碑為考察中心 The Relationship between Hoklo and Hakka in Malaysia: A Study of Tombstones in Gertak Sanggul and Tanjong Asam Chinese Cemeteries in Penang
客家作家在臺灣文學史的位置:以葉石濤、彭瑞金與陳芳明的臺灣文學史書寫為探討對象 Locating Hakka Writers in the History of Taiwanese LiteratureTaking the Historical Writings of Shih-tao Yeh, Jui-chin Peng and Fang-ming Chen as Discussion Examples