隘糧與大租:清代竹塹地區合興莊的隘墾事業與閩粵關係 Rent and Land Rights: The Relation of Fujian and Guangdong and the Guard Posts System in He Xing Village of the Zhu Qian Area in the Qing Dynasty
客家聚落的歷史與再現:臺灣新竹六張犁的當代鉅變 The History and Representation of Hakka Settlement: Great Changes of Contemporary Liuzhangli, Hsinchu, Taiwan
性別化敘事裡的祖先與家族:以北臺灣兩個客家菁英家族為例 Ancestor, Family and Gendering/ Engendered Narrations Among Two Elite Hakka Families in Northern Taiwan
浙江西南部客家話的聚變和裂變 Equilibrium and Punctuation of Hakka in Southwestern Zhejiang
潔養堂的重現和變遷:田野考察紀要 The Discovery and Transformation of a Hakka House: A Fieldwork Report
竹塹城外文采風流:曾秋濤及其創建的來儀、御寮吟社 Talents and Intellectuals Outside Zhu Qian City: Ceng Qiu-tao and Lai-yi and Yu-liao Poetry Societies