跆拳道學刊 Journal of Taekwondo Sports |
202312 (10期)期所有篇 |
- 中華聽障跆拳道隊2007至2022年競賽實力探析 The Analysis and of the Competitive Strength of the Chinese Taipei Deaf Taekwondo Team from 2007 to 2022
- 臺灣跆拳道空間文化建制與流變:以性別平等發展為目標的時代 Taiwan Taekwondo Spatial Cultural Construction and Evolution: An Epoch Centered on the Development of Gender Equality
- 跆拳道品勢訓練對於少年下肢反應能力與平衡表現的影響 Effects of Taekwondo Poomsae Training on Lower Limb Reaction Ability and Balance Performance in Adolescents
- 國立臺灣師範大學跆拳道品勢運動代表隊經營策略之研究 A study on the Management Strategies of Taekwondo Poomsae Team in National Taiwan Normal University
- 在不同參賽層級的大專跆拳道男女選手對成就目標之探討 An Investigation into Achievement Goals among College Taekwondo Athletes across Different Competition Levels and Genders