中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica
202403 (123期)期所有篇
近代中國溫泉療養、公共洗浴與景觀重建:以驪山華清池為例 Spa Treatment, Public Bathing and Landscape Reconstruction in Modern China: A Case Study of Huaqing Hot Springs at Mount Li
南京國民政府統治初期北平的黨務紛爭:以市黨部為中心的考察(1928-1929) Dissensions over Party Affairs in Beiping during the Initial Stage of the Nanjing Nationalist Government: The Municipal Party Committee, 1928–1929
從《塘沽協定》看中、日兩國在華北的攻防 The Rivalry in North China between China and Japan from the Perspective of the Tanggu Truce