中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica
202003 (107期)期所有篇
未聽到的中國聲音:文革時期福音廣播聽眾來信所見的「第二社會」 Unheard Voices from China: The ''Second Society'' as seen from the Audience Letters of Christian Radio Evangelism during the Cultural Revolution
東亞「病婦」:清末西醫產科在廣州和香港的發展 'Sick Women'' of East Asia: The Introduction of Western Obstetrics to Canton and Hong Kong
改革與困境:國軍後勤補給制度的變革(1944-1946) Reform and Predicament: The Reform of the National Revolutionary Army's Logistics and Supply, 1944-1946