健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌 Health Promotion & Health Education Journal |
201606 (40期)期所有篇 |
- 臺北地區某兩所大學學生細懸浮微粒防治行為意圖之研究 Preventive behavioral intentions of fine particulate matters and related factors for college students of two universities in Taipei area
- 高雄市護生服務學習於鄉村國小學生及社區居民之學習成效 The learning effects of nursing students in service learning for country elementary students and community residents in Kaohsiung City
- 學校職員健康生活型態及其相關因素之研究-以桃園市公立國民小學為例 A Study of healthy lifestyle and relevant factors for school staffs of public elementary schools in Taoyuan City
- 社區中老年人規律運動方案介入之成效 The effectiveness of regular exercise intervention program into community elders
- 台北市某醫學中心吸菸糖尿病人戒菸意圖相關因素之研究 The study of behavior intention of smoking cessation and the related factors among smoking diabetic patients in one Taipei Medical Center