政大史粹 Collectanea of History NCCU |
200906 (16期)期所有篇 |
- 戰後菲律賓歸僑從中國返菲案之交涉 The ROC Repatriated of Overseas Chinese to the Philippines after World War Ⅱ
- 五口通商時期廈門英籍華民管轄權交涉(1843-1860) Negotiations of Jurisdiction over Anglo-Chinese in Amoy during Five-treaty-ports Period, 1843-1860
- 戰後馬來亞華人公民權與權益之爭議(1946-1948) Controversies Regarding the Citizenship and Privileges of Malayan Chinese, 1946-1948
- 日華斷交後的雙邊航權交涉(1972-1975) The Bilateral Negotiations of Airline after Japan and the Republic of China Broke off Diplomatic Relations, 1972-1975
- 總理衙門初期形態與章京名錄小考——《四柏軒雅集啟》釋論 Characteristics of the Zongli Yamen in Its Early Time and the Directory of the Secretaries of the Zongli Yamen: A Textual Research on 'the Record of the Sibaixuan Elegant Party'