史耘 The Historical Cultivation |
202106 (19期)期所有篇 |
- 明代初期北邊衛所軍屯的,推動與成效──以洪武二十一年以前為限 The Promotion and Effect of Juntun of Wei-So System in the Northern Border Area within Early Ming Dynasty: before the 21st Year of Hongwu
- 現實的選擇──完顏政權新興時代的君位繼承 Pragmatic Choice: How the Royal Wan Yan Family of Jin Dynasty Succeed to the Throne in the Emerging Era
- 17-18世紀朝鮮建立銅錢制度之研究 A Study on the Establishment of Copper Coin System in the Chosŏn Korea (17-18th Century)
- 近五十年來歐洲學者對周朝史之研究 European Scholars’Study of Zhou Dynasty’s History in the Past 50 Years
- 近年對元代「四等人制」及相關議題的討論 A Review of Recent Discussions Regarding the“Quadripartite Class System”in the Yuan Dynasty