學校衛生護理期刊 Journal of School Health Nursing |
201702 (25期)期所有篇 |
- 護理系高中背景學生入學後學習經驗之探求-以北市某技職大學為例 Exploring the Postenrolment Learning Experiences of Nursing Students According to Their Senior High School Background - A Case Study of a Technical and Vocational University in Taipei City
- 台北市國中學生身體活動、改變階段與相關因素之研究 The Stage of Change and its Influential Determinants of Junior High Schools Students' Physical Activity
- 校園肺結核防治教育訓練對學校行政人員及教師知識、態度及行為控制和意圖成效探討 The Effects of Educational Program in Tuberculosis on Administrative Staffs' and Schoolteachers' Knowledge, Attitude, Behavioral Control and Intention
- 身體活動與健康飲食介入對國小過重與肥胖學童之成效分析 Effects of a Healthy Diet and Physical Activity Intervention Program on Overweight and Obese for Elementary School Students
- 台灣地區高中職及大專護理人員在接受結核病防治教育成效之探討 Effects of Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Education on Nurses at Vocational and General High Schools and Colleges in Taiwan
- 校園肺結核防治教育訓練對學校行政人員及教師知識、態度及行為控制和意圖成效探討 The Effects of Educational Program in Tuberculosis on Administrative Staffs' and Schoolteachers' Knowledge, Attitude, Behavioral Control and Intention
- 不同職稱校園衛生工作人員對結核病防治教育介入成效影響因素之探究 Exploring the Influential Factors of Educational Program for Tuberculosis in Different Title Hygiene Workers on Campus