成大歷史學報 Cheng Kung Journal of Historical Studies |
201712 (53期)期所有篇 |
- 北魏太宗、世祖朝的繼承問題與政局 The Succession Problem and Politics in the Reigns of Taizong and Shizu of the Northern Wei
- 從差役看唐朝流刑的配送與執行 The Distribution of Labor and the Implementation of the Banishment Penalty in the Tang Dynasty
- 《太上說天妃救苦靈驗經》與永樂期的海外出使--日本天理大學所藏永樂十二年版與永樂十八年版之考察 Taishang Shuo Tianfei Jiuku Lingyan Jing and the Diplomatic Missions during the Yongle Period: A Comparative Stud of the 1414 and 1420 Versions in the Tenri University Library
- 乾嘉時期清朝與達賴喇嘛的關係:以會見禮儀為中心 Changes in the Official Rite of Audience and the Relationship between the Qing Court and the Dalai Lama on the Qianlong and Jiaqing Periods
- 從經到論:管窺印度佛教文獻史上的重大變遷 From Sutra to Abhidharma: An Important Transition in the History of Indian Buddhist Literature
- 十七世紀馬尼拉與南亞的貿易研究 The Trade between Manila and South Asia in the Seventeenth Century